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NE CO Historic Photobook Blog
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If you lived................

Writer's picture: Cindy KippCindy Kipp

Updated: Sep 15, 2024 the late 1800's to the mid 1900's, and homesteaded in the rural plains of northeast Colorado you more than likely attended a small one-room or community school. Your teacher may have taught all grades under one roof? A portrait of George Washington and Abe Lincoln graced the clapboard walls. You proudly belted the Pledge of Allegiance every day. All grades listened to the same novel and read from their grade level reader! You may of carried your homemade bread and sausage in a tin pail and walked the same worn path to school in snow or sunshine? The school you attended during the week may of been the church you attended on Sunday? Pie socials and auctions were a yearly community event. Your dad may of provided all the wood for the cold blustery days? And if your family deeded the land for the school, your name was etched on the front gable of the building!

Although education has drastically changed over the years, we can honor and respect the value of

this way of life, and how it shaped the landscape of rural living!

First sod School, late 1800's, Fairfield Community, northeast of Haxtun Co.

One Room, Community and Small Town Schools in Haxtun, Paoli, Dailey and Fleming Colorado.

Good Hope........................................... 5 miles South of Dailey, Co.

Haxtun School......................................Haxtun, Co.

Fleming School.....................................Fleming, Co.

Paoli School..........................................Paoli, Co.

Dailey School........................................Dailey, Co.

Concord School.....................................3 miles N,1 mile W, 1 1/2N Dailey Co.

Murray School.......................................2 miles W, 2 miles S, (by the creek), Dailey, Co.

Rockland School....................................7 1/2 miles S, Dailey Co.

Sunbeam District 10..............................3 miles S, Haxtun Co.

West Bryant...........................................12 miles S, 2 E,1/2 mile S, Haxtun Co.

Peyton Valley School.............................7 1/2 S,( E side of creek), Haxtun Co

North Star School..................................6 miles S, 2 E, Haxtun Co.

Highland Center....................................8 miles S, 2 E, Haxtun Co.

White Star School.................................13 miles S, 5 E, Haxtun Co.

Broadway School..................................3 miles S, 1 W, Paoli Co.

McKelvey School..................................10 S, 1 E, Paoli, Co

Prairie Star School...............................4 miles N, 1 mile E, Paoli Co.

Community Center School....................1 mile E, 2 N, Haxtun Co.

Philorado School..................................3 miles E,2 S, Haxtun Co

Meakins School (midway).....................5 1/2 miles N, Haxtun Co.

Freemyer School (midway)...................3 miles W, 3 miles N, Haxtun Co

Seng School?....................................... 9 miles S, 5 miles E, 1 miles S, Haxtun Co.

Fairfield School.................................... 9 miles N, Paoli, Co

Plainview School...................................4 miles E, 1 N,1 E, Haxtun Co.

Pumpkin Vine School.............................3 miles W, 7 1/2 N, Haxtun Co.

Sunnyside School...................................3 miles W, 11 miles N, 1 mile W, Haxtun Co.

Sunrise School (still standing)...............4 miles N, 3 miles E, 7 miles N, Haxtun Co.

Glenwood School...................................4 miles N, 3 miles E, 1 3/4 N, Haxtun Co.

Ford School and Community..................17 miles S, 4 miles E, 1/2 N, Haxtun Co.

Old Zion School......................................3 miles W, Haxtun Co.

New Haven School.................................South, Fleming Co.

St. Peters School.....................................South, Fleming Co.

Buffalo Grass School..............................South of Haxtun Colorado

Hanrahan School....................................21/2, miles S Of Fleming Co.

White Hill School....................................South on Road 79, Fleming Co.

South Blackhawk.....................................4 miles W, 1/2 miles S., county Road 71,Fleming Co.

North Blackhawk.....................................West and North of Fleming Co.

Eagle Point..............................................County Road 12 and 53, Fleming Co.

Hradecky..................................................North of Fleming Co.

Burns School............................................2 miles E, 1/2 N, on Crook Highway, Fleming Co.

Kester School...........................................West of Fleming Co.

Highway School........................................County Road 63 and 24, Fleming Co.

Fyffe School..............................................Hwy 61 and County Road 18, 7 miles S of Fleming Co.

Harding School.........................................County Road 67 and 8, Fleming Co.

Leroy School.............................................County Road 91 and 32, Fleming Co.

Broadway School, 3 miles south, 1 west of Paoli Co.

Philorado School, southeast of Haxtun Co. ca. 1940.

Philorado School is now at the Fleming Colorado Museum. 2024

Philorado School District # 57

"The school district was established in 1888 but there are no records until around 1900. The school was located three miles east and two miles south of Haxtun. In 1909, the school board met and decided to build a new school house, 24 by 30 feet. The price was not to exceed $700.00. The first school was sold, moved and remodeled for a home. In 1918 a new name for District # 57 was brought up. It was suggested Phil-orado. a combination of Phillips for the County and Colorado for the state. Before this it was called Johnson School or District.

The school was closed in 1946 and the children were bussed to Haxtun. The school building was sold to Fleming School District and was used as an auxiliary building until their new school was built. The school house is now used as the Fleming Museum.(above photo)

Literary meetings were held once a month during the cold months. They were attended by everyone in the district. It was a very important social event with neighbors getting together to listen to each other's talents."

The article was taken from the book "Those were the days", by Centenial History Phillips County Colorado.

Sunrise School, Sedgwick County, Colorado, built in c. 1925, current photo, 2020

Fyffe School, 7 miles South of Fleming Co, photo credit- E.W. Thomas

The following is a article in the Sterling Journal Advocate, Sterling, Colorado about the school and the monument erected in 2013.

A poem about the passing of one room/community schools

Plainview School, northeast of Haxtun Co, 1925

Glenwood School, northeast of Haxtun Co.

Concord School, 7.5 miles northeast of Fleming Colorado, 1913.

White Star School, 14 miles south of Haxtun Co, this photo was enlarged/framed, and was part of a photo display at a 2023 Haxtun Co. Corn Festival.

Many things have changed since those early "school house" days, but thanks to technology today we can enjoy the memories from past generations and be a living part of our heritage.

Credit: Wilbur Kipp Photo Collection, Overland Trail Museum Sterling Co, Phillips County Museum Holyoke Co, Fleming Historical Society, Fleming Co.

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